Factory ballet madrid

The best classical ballet and dance school

About us

Factory ballet Madrid in just 8 years has become the best classical ballet and dance school in Madrid, thanks to its organization, divided into the Ballet and dance department, audiovisual department, costume department and administrative department.

The best structure with 9 classical ballet courses and three courses of each dance discipline.

As every year we have the need to grow and improve, this year we present you with the possibility of taking the Royal Academy of dance exams and obtaining your degree.  


Elevation and good placement of legs at 90º in all directions.

Clean execution of the complete ballet barre exercises

Correct execution of all exercises to the center




Execution of 2 Pirouette in retreat in all directions at points.

 Execution of 1 large Pirouette in attitude, arabesque and second position in all directions on points.

 Execution of assemble, jete, echape and bustards beaten in all directions.

 Execution of 2 Pirouette foute en retire in all directions on points.

Running double tour anler for boys.

Running 8 Pirouette to second position.


Continuous evaluation criteria and practical exam.


The minimum grade will be 8 out of 10, the average will be taken from the

50% of the bar and 50% of the center

The objective of the tutorials is to give support to each of our students, listening and understanding their small problems, giving a professional solution.

Our students will not be alone at any stage of their training, we carry out an average of 4 tutorials a week, if it is useful to make an appointment, go to the administration with Natali to schedule the first available date.

You will have the information of each tutorial in your private area and you will be able to consult it whenever you want


See why we are unique in Madrid

Virtual classroom

Your virtual support campus 


Two-time award winners



Young company 8 performances confirmed for 2023-2024

  • Saturday, December 9 Complete work of the Nutcracker (Elías Ahuja Theater)
  • Monday, December 11 Complete work of the Nutcracker (Alcalá Theater or new Apolo to be determined)
  • Saturday, December 16 Complete work of the Nutcracker (García Lorca Theatre)
  • Saturday, February 17 Two morning performances Valentine's Gala (Elías Ahuja Theater)
  • Saturday, February 17 Two daytime performances Valentine's Gala (Elías Ahuja Theater)
  • Saturday March 16 Complete work Vivaldi's seasons (García Lorca Theatre)
  • Saturday June 15 morning performances Closing Gala for the end of the school and company season (Elías Ahuja Theatre)
  • Saturday, June 15, daytime performances Closing Gala for the end of the school and company season (Elías Ahuja Theatre) 

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